I love my pets. I think that most people who know us personally also know this fact. I do not like to leave them behind no matter where we go. And yes, we take the cat camping with us. When it is time to leave on our trip, I place his carrier next to his litter box and then I place him into his litter box. He sees the carrier and understands what he needs to do. After he relieves himself he exits his box and walks right into his carrier. So this picture is looking into the window of our pop-up trailer. Clif Richard loves to be near us and as I was sitting next to the roaring campfire, he strolled along the window to the bed where he then curled himself up
and rested.
So can you see how stressed Mr. Clif Richard is here. Yep, he just loves camping with the pack. Yes, pets love camping. At night the dogs come in also and they all lay together on the floor. They each have their own blanket. I really love camping with the pets.
You can find our detailed trips at http://www.BarleysList.org/adventures.php or from the home page select Click Here For Our August Adventure". See you there!
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If you're looking for pet supplies, pet stores, pet friendly hotels or dog friendly restaurants, specialty veterinarians, animal rescue, pet adoption, pet sitters and pet sitting, pet services, pet friendly services, dog parks and cat friendly bed and breakfast inns, etc- for all types of pets, birds, fish, dogs, cats, horses, reptiles, rabbits, sheep and goat, farm animals, small pets and pocket pets, etc- visit our site. It has all the free pet information and pet links you will ever need for your pet. And is totally free for anyone to use. BarleysList.org is Where People Go For Pet Info