The traits which make goats great pets also cause them to be very difficult to handle. Almost all goats are intelligent and deeply curious, and will constantly investigate their surroundings. As part of their adventuring, goats routinely fight their way through fences and gates, and the animals, while endearing, can wreak havoc on gardens and landscaping. Goats also tend to eat indiscriminately, which can lead to gastrointestinal distress, or costly surgery, if the goat swallows something inappropriate such as clothing or garbage.

On the other hand, goats are loving, affectionate, loyal animals, and many people deeply enjoy keeping them as pets. For people with more limited space, pygmy goats might be an excellent consideration, as they do not get nearly as large as some goat breeds, such as Swiss Alpines and Nubians. The native intelligent and intensely curious animals are fun to have around, if you are willing to put in the work.
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