Aloha Pet Care & Dog Training. She writes "Here is another one along with a poem":
Lessons from the Universe are always present and finding the stillness within us can allow those lessons to be comprehended. As we all have found, the lessons come quietly but at times the lessons are as loud as a rushing waterfall.
My first lesson from the Universe came to me at the age of 6. My Shetland pony, Trixie was enjoying her oats. I decided to get on her back and enjoy that moment with her. I had no bridle or halter but I easily stepped on the fence and sat on her back as I had done so many times. I can still feel that stillness with Trixie and that sense of love and harmony, if only for a moment, it felt so familiar like I had been at that place before. Then a thought rushed over my mind of her running with me to the end of the pasture and of me screaming for her to stop but she wouldn’t. I could get hurt and I could not stop her. At that moment, she took off at a full gallop. The other horses were at the end of the 60 acre pasture and I felt her little legs running for them. I held on to her mane, crying in fear. We finally reached the horses and I slid off. Why oh why had she done that to me? Although I rode horses until I left for college and still ride horses when given the chance, I have never forgot that fear that I felt that day when my trust and innocence was lost.
While in college and my first 10 years of married life after college, animals especially horses and dogs were not of my realm. I was a business person, utilizing my mind in a capitalist society. My dear husband and I went backpacking and camping every chance we had but our little peaceful home life was not to be disrupted by the chores and mundane demands of animals neither horse nor dog was to be a part of our clan.

Then one day I looked at her and she looked at me and we recognized ourselves in each other. My mind was quiet on this day for in the stillness her thoughts became my own. She told me not to try to dominate her and control her every move for she is here to teach me to let go and trust nature again. Trixie had not forsaken me; she had only done my bidding when that vision of her taking me to the end of the pasture as I screamed in terror came in to my mind. Trixie and you were so connected in that time of quiet she could only do as your mind had asked.
A revelation came over me in that stillness, Jasmine was here to teach me as all dogs are and all living creatures and nature itself. I looked at her and her eyes softened and her tail raised from its tucked position. Love poured out from me and Jasmine said to me embrace that love as that is what the Universe wants you to experience. That stillness abounds within us all if we can only listen.
A Poem From The Canine
My dog has issues that need to disappear
She is naughty, defiant and cavalier.
I have taken her to trainers and behaviorists, galore.
She will listen for a day or two but sadly no more.
I am frustrated and my mood is always black.
I am tired and the breeder won’t take her back.
With screams of anger, I yelled at the ceiling,
“Why is my life so hard? I hate this feeling!”
Just then a soft muzzle licked at my hand,
She was the teacher and I listened for her command.
Embody the essence you seek in me
And we shall live in harmony.
When I am afraid be present and strong.
Loose your sense of right and wrong.
As I jump up on you and scratch your arm,
Give love to everyone and wish me no harm.
When I am distracted and hard to reach,
Caress me gently with hands that teach.
I am your dog but I will lead the way.
I will teach you peace without delay.
Breathe and let your troubles disappear,
Resistance may come, but we shall persevere.
All the answers of the universe are near,
All we have to do is choose love and not fear.
I knew my dog was special you see,
For she laid back down and winked at me.
Our future is glorious, for this woman and her canine.
Inner peace and stillness is now mine.
Lisa Sellman, Top Dog
Aloha Pet Care & Dog Training
www.alohapetcare.us ~ website
(763) 503-4797 ~ home or (763) 228-6862 ~ cell
"Delivering the Aloha spirit to Minnesota dog owners one tail wag at a time."
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