Why Dogs Bark
It is important to understand that dogs bark for various reasons. They do not bark just to annoy you and your neighbors, nor do they bark for spite or revenge. Dogs don't bark just because they can (though it might seem that way at times). Certain dog breeds bark more than others - some types of dogs were actually bred to be barkers. Then again, the Basenji does not bark at all (though the breed can vocalize in other ways). If you listen closely, you will eventually learn your dog's different barks. Understanding the reason why your dog barks is the first step towards controlling the behavior. In general, dogs will most commonly bark for the following reasons:- Warning/Alert: It is natural for a dog to bark when someone is a the door or when strangers pass the house or car. Many will bark if they sense some type of threat, proclaiming "I'm here protecting this place so don't mess with me." The sound of this bark is usually sharp, loud and authoritative. Honing this instinct with training can help protect your home and family.
- Anxiety: Anxious barking often seems to be an an act of self-soothing for many dogs. It is often high-pitched and sometimes accompanied by whining. This type of barking is common for dogs with separation anxiety.
- Playfulness/Excitement: This type of barking is especially common in puppies and young dogs. Many dogs will bark while playing with people or other dogs. Even the sound of the bark tends to sound upbeat and possibly musical. Some dogs will bark excitedly when they know they are about to go for a walk or car ride.
- Attention-seeking: When you hear this bark, you will usually know just what it means. This bark says "Hey! Hey! Look! Here I am!" Other dogs may whine and bark together to get attention, almost like the tone of a whining child.
- Boredom: The bark of a bored dog sounds like a dog that barks just to hear her own voice. Though it tends to be annoying, it is also kind of sad. Bored dogs often bark to release excess energy, and sometimes bark out of loneliness. They usually need an activity and perhaps even a companion.
- Responding to Other Dogs: This is probably a familiar scenario - one dog down the street starts barking, and one by one the rest of your block joins in. It's like a cacophonous rendition of Row Your Boat.
and Stop Excessive Barking
Once you determine the cause of your dog's excessive barking, you can begin to control the behavior. The best way to prevent excessive barking in the first place is to try and remove any potential sources of the behavior. You also want to be certain not to inadvertently encourage the barking. Finally, give her better things to do besides barking. - Make sure your dog gets plenty of exercise so there is not as much pent-up energy to burn by barking.
- Avoid leaving a lonely dog alone for long periods of time if possible.
- Never comfort, pet, hug or feed your dog when she is barking for attention or out of anxiety - that would be rewarding the behavior, thus encouraging it.
- Shouting at your dog to stop barking does not help. It may actually cause her to bark even more.
- Avoid punishments like shock collars. They are not only painful and unkind - many dogs will learn to test them and eventually work around them.
- Try to get her attention with a clap or whistle. Once she is quiet, redirect her attention to something productive and rewarding - like a toy or treat.
- After getting your dog's attention, practice basic commands, like sit and down in order to shift her focus.
- DO NOT let your dog bark constantly outside, regardless of the reason. You can hardly train her to stop barking by yelling at her across the yard. Plus, it is one of the fastest ways to turn neighbors into enemies and send an invitation to your local police.
- Train your dog to Speak and Be Quiet.
- Consult your veterinarian and/or trainer if you continue to face barking issues despite your best efforts.
When It's Not Your Dog Barking
The sound of barking dogs in the neighborhood can quickly go from nuisance to nightmare - especially when you are trying to work or sleep. If you are comfortable with it, try politely approaching your neighbor to discuss the matter, or write a direct but civil letter. You may try gently suggesting a local dog trainer or behaviorist. Many people prefer to contact the neighborhood association or other group to act as a moderator. As a last resort, you may need to call the police - just keep in mind how this could be detrimental to your future relationship with said neighbors. On the other hand, you may not even care about that after a certain amount of sleep deprivation.Pet Friendly Businesses- To edit and/or update your information follow the link to that page: http://www.barleyslist.org/ and Select Add/ Edit your business.
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