Not only do cats make good pets, but they are are low maintenance pets! As I'm sure you know, they are independent, free thinking creatures who take care of much of their own needs. Although most domestic cats enjoy companionship with their humans, they can typically be left to their own devices for many hours at a time without issue. Although some cats and cat breeds are more "needy" in this area, overall they are no where as needy as dogs.
Cats sleep on and off throughout the day and night, taking varying degrees of cat naps - where do you think the name came from?! Their total sleep time takes up many hours of the day, sometimes 18 or more!
Since they use a litter box, there is no getting up at 6:00 AM, and no rushing home to "walk the cat" after work.
Feeding time is at your convenience! Many cat owners feed their cats "free choice" dry food. Cats can "graze" throughout the day and night on what's in the bowl. Or, you can use one of the many automatic feeders on the market. This is especially convenient if you are going to be out of the house for more than a day.
Unlike dogs and some other animals, cats rarely need to be bathed, if at all. As the refrigerator magnet at my house says "the cat may be self cleaning, but the kitchen isn't!"
2. Cats Have Personality!
One of the things that makes cats good pets is that they are packed with personality. Even a less active cat has a certain spunk "under the hood" that you just don't find in other pets. Perhaps it's...
I have found that most cats show a lot of love, but always with their own unique personal style stamped on it. And, of course, they are rarely at a loss to find something to play with. Combine this with their individuality, and you have one great pet!
A cat is the only animal I've seen that can be friendly and aloof at the same time. If you've ever experienced this, you know what I'm talking about. One minute, you're in the middle of a love session with your furry friend, and the next, she's off on her own adventure. It's as if she could do completely without you. Uh oh, maybe she can?
What do you think so far... do cat's make good pets? Read on...
3. Cats are Fascinating!
Why else do cats make good pets? Because they are fascinating and fun! A little bit of the wild in your own living room. They are beautiful to look at, and fun to play with. One of my favorite things to do is just sit back and observe their hunting behavior. And it's also way too much fun to play chase with them!
4. Cats Love!
I know, other pets can show a great measure of love to their owners, but I believe that cats are unique. Both the quantity and quality of their capacity to love is astounding. They don't really need you, you know... or so it seems, but they love you anyway.
The outpouring of love that I've seen from all three of my cats is amazing. For an animal that is supposedly a loner by nature, they show an incredible amount of genuine desire to be with you. And yes, cats do experience separation anxiety, contrary to what you may have heard. They miss you when you are gone, and they know when you've been gone too long.
So, what's your answer... do cats make good pets? Have I convinced you?
With the convenience of low maintenance, and the charm of great personality, here comes the house cat. With fascinating, wild traits, and an enormous capacity to love, does all that add up to a yes to the question - do cats make good pets?
I think so. Even if you are a dog lover, you have to admit it. You may not believe, as I do, that cats make the best pets, but you cannot deny that cats do make good pets.
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